The magic of Hogwarts lives on
Today started with an early journey to Newcastle for the pre-op assessment before my surgery next week. The traffic was terrible. I was a few minutes late, but found 3 consultants in out patients, all kicking their heels because their patients had not arrived yet........
Then to the photo class where we looked at various image interpretations we had all done of other people's work. It's always fun and we have some very inventive people in our class. I had some good advice about mine.
Then home for a quick lunch and tidy up before my train at 1523. I enjoyed the journey down although our quiet coach was anything but.
Before checking in to the hotel, I went to see if the Hogwarts' express had left for the day. No, there was a queue of people wanting to go to the school of wizardry. I just stood to one side and snapped away. The light was low and high ISO in the 7D produces a lot of noise, so I've corrected the image as far as I can. I like th way this girl is not paying any attention to the wall she is about to leap through.
And do to bed..........
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