Morning Run

Another day of sunshine :)  The forecast was to be showers or rain at times but it's been great, a chilly breeze coming off the sea but no complaints :)

I've had a busy morning in the museum.  First thing I had to set up for an event starting in the auditorium and then the Brae High School came in for a school visit.  The school visit was foreign exchange students from various countries across Europe.  I also had plenty of folk in to see my exhibition in the foyer and more names for unknown people displayed :)  Word of mouth travels fast in Shetland, I nevert advertised the exhibition but flocks are coming to see it :)
I was planning a night of walkies with Sammy, only got the one after work and then it's back to work in the museum again tonight, while the restaurant is open.  Hopefully not be a long night and get home to Sammy soon :)

This is a usual morning for me and Sammy :)  He loves a good run around the house off the lead first thing.  Poor Sammy may have come from an Aberdeen rescue centre but he has no idea about street sense and needs a lead for most walkies.  Sniffing and woofing as he goes along, charging past the neighbour's hens, ducks and onwards to check my bird feeders in the garden :)  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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