
By Leiflife

Taxes and Tung Oil Flowers

After almost two days of "doing" taxes, I was thankful to wander with Music among the flowers. Aimless feels glorious when purpose has held you mercilessly for a while.

Actually, I have been thinking that purpose may not be worth the amount of struggle and stress that has made up so much of my life. Yes, I have loved to dance, and making art has brought me great pleasure and satisfaction, but even creative work can be a demanding taskmaster. What if the muse has been crowded out by a large insistent judge that says: "Do...or feel guilty if you don't."? What if this judge has convinced you that when not doing art you are barely living? What if the joy once found in dancing and making art is less easily come by?

And what if you woke up one day and decided to listen to the muse again? And what if the muse in her wisdom advised you to simply be? What if you heard her say: "Let the day make itself and trust that creation will find you." What if you suddenly found that you were breathing more freely; that the burdensome judge had slipped off of your back and you felt more alive than ever before?

What if - while walking with Music in the softness of late afternoon - a Tung Oil flower dropped from the sky and said: "I am creation."

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