Fred & Andy

By FredAndy

A street seller from the back of a tuk tuk

Not the most exciting picture but our day was mainly spent shopping.  We were going to walk to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum today and go to Choeung Ek (killing fields) tomorrow but its a long walk and a tuk tuk to both costs the same as just to Choeung Ek as you hire them for the day so we decide to save ourselves the walk and do the two tomorrow.

Instead to walk to central market and start to have a look for some smart shorts for Andy to wear to Craig's wedding in Thailand.  He already bought a short sleeved shirt at Angkor Wat.  Its hot in the market and we're not having much luck so we take refuge in a nearby shopping centre with air con.  It just so happens it has a cool clothes shop with some nice smart shorts on the top floor so he starts to try some on.  Unfortunately he seems to be between sizes so they are either too tight or too big but we decide to continue on our quest and take a tuk tuk to a large shopping centre across town.  After some to'ing and fro'ing he eventually decides on a pair so his wedding outfit is now sorted.  Fred just needs some shoes to go with her dress but she's going for cheap and cheerful ... probably once we reach Thailand.

We head back via the night market and find the tuk tuk driver we met when we arrived, Sara, and organise for him to pick us up in the morning.

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