Morning View, 12 X 9 inches, Oil paint on canvas

Almost finished with this small oil painting. I worked on it today and last week and have just a few touches to add to complete it. One missing element that may not get added is the iconic tree in our view. Somehow it never made into this painting and if you didn't know it was there you would never miss it. So I am quite sure it is gone for good from this painting. I do  have just a few tiny things to do but I quite like it just as it is.

Had a lovely day painting. My cell phone kept ringing though... can we change the time of an appointment? Sure. Can you guys all come down to my house to play? (Dave whose actual 70th birthday is today. His party was last Friday.) My answer: could you please come here instead. Dave: okay. Then call Steve and pick up Helena and figure out how to stretch dinner from three people to five. All while I was feeling a bit rum due to my cold. But you know what? It didn't matter. And I figured out something yummy to cook. And we all played games and had fun. And Dave drove Helena home which was a bonus since I hate night driving these days. So it is all good.

Now it is time to do my blip while Arvin finishes the dishes. (I did most of them right after dinner.) Then early to bed. I'm pooped. But happy. I love time with family.

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