
By DancingAly

Fleeting Moments

I spend my life wishing I had more time. Life seems to be so rushed, there is no time to take in the little things!

I am finding the early mornings the most treasured and peaceful parts of the day lately. Although it's a struggle getting up in the morning, once I am, it's not so bad as I go through my little routine. As soon as I get to work there's no time to breathe, so it's this quality time in the morning with myself that I value the most! Now that the weather is better, and it's light at 6am, I am thinking I'd like to go jogging in the morning before work. I picture myself out in the flesh air, coming home to a bath and breakfast, and starting my day energised. I think I might struggle to make it a reality though, as I do love my sleep!

We had the music festival today. We had a rehearsal at another school all morning, and then the performance in the evening for the parents. The children were fab, and we did our dance to Cookie Monster's "Share it Maybe". They were brilliant, and we could not have asked them to do it any better. T came to watch as well, and rather enjoyed it! 

We went to dinner afterwards, but we were both tired and I was home by 10pm! 

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