
By HelsWels79

Preedy Flowers

Had a pretty good Mummy n Ben day. Kicked things off with swimming in Pudsey, bit cold for the wee one so only managed 20mins. We did give armbands a go for the first time which scared the heckings out of him when I let go and he was left floating in water. It wasn't a resounding success and I shouldn't force him to do things he doesn't like so armbands are a work in progress.

We were both wiped after swimming n jobs so had TV dinner with Jungle Book DVD. Quick drive to get him to sleep n I impulse bought myself some treats in Boots. Hope its payday today!

Trip to the library, book reading tea, bath n bed and now I'm attempting to papier mache a balloon for my sister in law's 40th next weekend. She'd like everyone in Easter bonnets. Eyk I ain't creative so making 3 feels like a mean feat but I'm giving it a go!

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