Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Keeping an eye

I had a really heart wrenching email this evening from an old uni friend, someone with whom I shared so much, someone who taught me so much, someone who made me laugh so much and someone I have always looked up to.

After a battle with severe depression, his father took his own life earlier this month.  I can't imagine what his family are going through.

In parts he wrote with partial release with messages about mental health and how barriers and stigmas still exist - and they certainly do - and how this can prevent people from getting the help they need for one reason or another.

"For all of you, please remember that help is out there for you; take the advice of the people around you and get some help if you feel you need it. If the person next to you is wobbling and hanging on, do all you can to hang on to them and to get them some help and don't take 'no' for an answer."

I am glad to have people around me who keep an eye on me - I am thankful for the impact it has.  Keep an eye on people, it is so so important.

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