My little monkey

Yesterday at nursery womsie only had one bottle of milk, even though I managed to get two into him before bed I knew it would be a tough night. First wake was 10:30, milk and back to bed. Next wake up was 1:00, more milk and back to sleep. Third wake was 4:15, gave up, brought him into our bed and evetually he went to sleep on my tummy. The alarm woke me at 6am, snoozed for ten minutes then left womsie cocooned in bed whilst I got up. He then stirred, dressed him then we went and woke Munchie up.

Both has fab days at nursery, Altough Wom has had three nasty teething nappies, washing machine is on as I type. Nursery are fully booked over Easter holidays so having to rethink my plans on when I was planning to put them in, I don't want either of them having a fortnight away as think this could be very detrimental to everything.

Home, baths, bed, annoying FaceTime with daddy that kept freezing, very sad Munchie

Loved the way the sun is shining on womsie in today's blip

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