Finding Water
Dear Diary,
Things are slowly beginning to melt despite the below freezing daytime temperatures. The sun is so much stronger it is helping a great deal. The mourning doves were walking along the edge of the steel roof drinking from the small trickles of melting water. Occasionally they would peck at an icicle and knock it off. We are all sick and tired of this endless winter!
Getting water is a problem in the winter for wildlife. I've seen Rudy and Gaylord eating snow. I try to put out dishes of water on the feeding table. Everyone is struggling. Access to clean drinking water is a huge problem worldwide as well and I think of that whenever I turn on my tap and safe, clean water rushes out. How lucky I am.
I read recently that if you have a closet for your clothes, a warm bed to sleep in, a refrigerator for your food and clean water from your tap you are better off than 70% of the world's population...makes one pause doesn't it.
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