Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

Chicken Cottage

Today's blip should have been of my latest tin tabernacle instead we have the Chicken Cottage on Borough High Street, London. The building has clearly seen better days. I'm not sure what the Chicken Cottage refers to. I recall advice I was once given - never eat somewhere where they display images of the food supposedly on offer.

I digress. After a suitably hot and stuffy work meeting I trekked all the way out to Dalston to view the grade 2 listed tin tabernacle in Shrubland Road (another misnomer). It is very impressive partly because it has a steeple and is about twice as large as any other tin tabernacle and partly because its still in use as a church - in this case the 'Sight of Eternal Life' Church. Its believed to date from 1858 and may be the oldest surviving corrugated iron church in the world (although the roof seems to be made of asbestos).

So why no image? .....because a massive white transit was parked right in front completely blocking the view................ I hate it when that happens.

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