
I spent my entire day Sunday photographing this bodybuilding competition - over 1000 images.

I don't usually blip bodybuilders, but I'd be interested to hear who you think should have won this class.  Obviously the gal in the pink bikini, and the large you know what's won.  But I'm not so sure she should have.  I much preferred the physique of the Korean girl, she's much finer boned, not so muscular, but perfect proportions, with a tiny waist.

The comp started a bit late at just after 10.30 am, and finally finished at 6.45 pm, with a 30 minute break.

We had the foresight to pack the car early in the morning, so all we had to do was load the equipment we'd been using, and we managed to get out of the car park by 6.45 pm.  Luckily Bankstown is very close to the M5 freeway, and we were well on our way to Gundagai by 7 pm.

We flew down that freeway as though we were pursued by the hounds of hell - and I was just so glad to get out of Sydney.  The delightful motel owners stayed open for us and we managed to get there by just 6 minutes after 10 pm, so they didn't have to wait very long.  I rewarded them by paying cash, and not asking for a receipt.

Both of us were exhausted, and crashed out like lights, but were back on the road again early the next morning.

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