The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Egrets, I've had a few ....

I spent the morning having my eyes tested, then trying to choose new frames. How I hate it! I hate having to peer into a mirror at my big old face and having to try to find glasses wide enough!

In the end I lost the will to live and practically 'eeny, meeney, miney, mo' -ed a choice ..

In spite of having varifocals for the last few years, I still end up peering over the top of them or taking them off for close work, so I have spent a small fortune on the fanciest varifocalness, anti scratch, anti glare, anti everything ..  but I suppose as they're the only thing in my wardobe I 'wear' every single day, I should stop being such a Scrooge about specs!

I nipped out to Sunk Island and didn't see much - just three groups of three little egrets ..

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