One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad

pitcher plant

Today I headed off on a solo trip of exploration, returning to the Shelley Beach lookout and a walk through the bush.

A slatted board walk trails up through the bush towards the crest and being still fairly early morning, droplets of water glistened on cobwebs and colours were highlighted by the damp and sunlight burning through the mist.
Got about 800m or so along the walk and spotted a small brown snake ( a dugite, big , bitey and VERY dangerous when bigger) curled in a clump of leaves. Beady eyed, it stayed still so I walked on. Another few metres another baby dugite uncurled from between two of the slats and working on the principle that if there were two littlies in such a close space, mamma d may still be around (probably incorrect mind you)
Casually...not... hot footing it back down the walk, back at the lookout spotted this pitcher plant tucked amongst the low scrub.
Carniverous plants, they trap their prey in the deep throated pitfall trap, and once in there the unsuspecting beastie has no escape.

So much for narow escapes!

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