horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Cycling to Narcissism

It's been a while since I've done a narcissistic cycling self-portrait. So here you go. There is a reason - I've written an article on the ultimate cycling narcissism website, Strava. An idea came to mind after I got a 'King of the Mountains' on one particular segment (granted only about 15 other people had ridden it...), about why it wasn't entirely a site for showing off your achievements, even more so when you're a rider who comes so far down the listings on most segments (as I do). That said, I attacked this very short hill and came out the other end 8th out of 72, so maybe there is a bit of showing off...

T'was a little break in the sun in between lots of DIY, which I'm going to get back to as soon as my repaired good camera is dropped off (he's in the street, but I'm three deliveries away apparently), having just had a cracking lunch of homemade spicy scotch pie (that GF shortcrust pastry seems foolproof), some cheese, and some plain crisps. That's the lunch of kings right there.

Recording the voiceover for my telly piece on Wednesday, which I think means it being on the show a week today. Exciting! And accepted the formal offer of employment this morning as well. All go around here just now....

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