Is This a Warning?

I went to the botanical gardens in search of snowy egrets. Snowy egrets fishing. Not a fisherman in sight.

Plan B. On the lookout for lizards. Lizards doing this throat thing.

I would guess he is doing it for one of two reasons. 1. To scare me off. 2. To attract a member of the opposite sex. I know that if I was thinking of doing any "courting", that color would turn me on. Just saying.

While I was gardening, the girls and Merrick were swimming in the pool. (My other daughter and son-in-law left for Michigan this morning.) After everyone took a nice long nap, we made a late ocean visit.

Merrick and I built a small sand castle, we had a bite to eat, then watched the sun go down. Click above to see the castle, some flowers, and a posing anhinga.

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