"important job to do"

This morning Tobes informed us (at 6.45am) that he had some very important jobs to do today. One of which was deleting the numbers he'd put on his starwars story he wrote yesterday. The other was printing it out. It HAS to be done today! It got to bedtime and we hadn't been anywhere to get more ink for the printer so Tobes wrote this reminder out with only a little help with the spelling and stuck it to the fridge door.

All of us spent the morning at the dog club first for puppy agility for Nell, then agility and flyball for Charley. We all had so much fun. Then at the end everyone took the dogs up to the field for a charge round. We were a bit wary about Alf being bossy but aside from a few raised hackles he had a great time charging about with about 12 others. Was lovely to watch.

Then straight out for a long ride round Beacon with Cara and Osh. Such a beautiful sunny afternoon and the boys were brilliant. Had some fab fast canters. Perfectly timed arrival home just as the roast chicken was coming out of the oven.

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