Winter hill

A wonderful afternoon in the sun!  The men went to football which left myself, my daughter-in-law and her two girls so we walked up to the Winter Hill mast. I have lived here c.30 years and have never walked there! 
At first an extremely muddy very steep path.  Then we walked up through spongy moorland with a few sheep grazing but as we reached higher levels the slope eased off a bit and we walked on what must once have been an old road.  Now full of evil ruts.  Some bikers were going along this road!  Finally we reached the Mast which I can see from the house and have blipped previously.
Here, here and here.  At nearly 310 meters high the television transmitter is one of the tallest structures in the UK according to Wikipedia. 
This shot was taken on the way down when the sun was behind us.  A much faster descent!  The spongy moorland giving relief to tired knees! No one fell in the mud.  With my Fitbit at the end of the day just below the 12000 mark I'm quite proud of myself!
a few more shots on Flickr

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