nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn


What a beautiful day.  Almost 30 miles, along the Chevin ridge, down to Otley then sort of along the Wharfe - aiming for the viaduct but failing to get a good view of it - then back up Rawden Hill (I think it's called).  I'd just been passed the worst of it when this guy went by, one of very many others out today, including a couple of recumbent trikes and a pair of tandemists who were sensibly taking a breather at the top of the this hill and greeted me with a little applause.  

The first ride with both the GoPro and the Panaracer Pasela tyres.  The tyres I can't really say much about, they weigh about half the ones I had been using (Continental touring something), but the bike felt so different from the one I'm commuting on anyway.  It will be interesting to see how my average speed goes.

I bought the handlebar mount for the GoPro, and it was initially mounted on the top just to the left of the stem, but despite being tightly done up the camera kept tipping forward, so when I stopped to admire the views from the Chevin I swapped it so it was hanging down.  There is an option in the camera menu to invert the images which could be useful.

When trying to use it while riding I didn't quite get what I was aiming for, operating the buttons in my winter gloves was quite tricky and I had turned the camera beeping off so I didn't really know whether it was capturing or not.  I got a couple of videos, but I need to read the manual (shudder) for the accompanying software to edit them.  Then I tried the time lapse mode, which takes a still every so often.  Every so often in this case turned out to be rather too frequent (I think can change this), hence I have just deleted over 2000 files.  This is one of them, I had several that I quite liked although the cables are obviously a major feature with this mounting location.  Definitely lots of fun, and I need to spend more time tinkering.

And then this afternoon I ventured into the garden to investigate compost heap possibilities, and ended up spending several hours 'gardening', which is not something that I know how to do.  I removed lots of dead stuff and cut the grass.  Much to my neighbours' delight I am sure - next door's garden consists of overgrown grass and brambles, so I don't expect they have much sympathy for mowing noises.

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