
By stellarossa

Vote Green?

Sandy and I went to see Caroline Lucas at the Oxford Literary Festival talking about her book, Honourable Friends?,  describing the last 5 years as the only Green MP at Westminster. She started by describing how she arrived on day one to find that she could not be allocated a room, but was given a pink ribbon upon which to hang her sword.

Years back she worked for Oxfam and there was a smattering of Oxfamites throughout the audience. I'm undecided as yet, but was very impressed by her. So much so that I bought her book. As Josh is voting for the first time I asked for to write a dedication for him and we briefly discussed the challenge of getting young people to engage with a political system they have every reason to feel cynical about at a time when Russell Brand is encouraging them to totally disengage…

She wrote:

For Josh 
Please vote Green!  
Caroline Lucas

He will make his own choice on 9 May, but was rather chuffed with this… so much so he took her book off into his room, from which I had to later recover it lest it get immersed in the mountain of 'teenage boy stuff' from which very little emerges unscathed.

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