New dog sitters

Christian & Lynda, (my very lovely dog sitters) have gone to Australia for a few weeks.  Just how inconsiderate is that?!!  Now I have no one to look after me when Ann goes to work all day.

Today Ann said, ‘Molly, you will have to come to work with me.’  I’m never, ever allowed to stay home alone ALL day.  Well I didn’t really want to go to work.  It was a beautiful day and I wanted to go playing on the beach.  Going to work isn’t really very exciting for an energetic little collie like me.  I just get boring on my lead walks and a 5 min run in the park.

But do you know what happened today?.........................................

Matt, (Ann’s colleague) finished work at lunchtime and he said I could spend the afternoon with him.  Just how nice was that?

Matt (& his girlfriend Amy) took me for a play on the beach.

It was fabulous because the tide was way out so I had lots of space for running.  They told me that I had to stay out of the sea because they wanted to keep me clean.  But do you know what I did?  …………………..I went wallowing in rock pools.  Matt & Amy had never seen me do my ‘hippo impersonation’ before and they were well impressed by how I can put my head under the water.

Ann came and picked me up after work and by then I was dry, clean and gorgeous looking again.

Matt & Amy told Ann I’d been a very good girl but Ann thinks they might be lying?!! And then they sent her a message saying, ‘We love MollyCollie in this house.’

Sooooooo……………………  it looks like I’ve got some new dog sitters.  Yay!!!

Thank you Matt & Amy for looking after me this afternoon.  I’ve had a fabulous time. xx

PS – Lying flaked out on the sofa now.
PPS - Amy took a really nice photo of me & Matt on the beach but it's telling us that the jpeg file is the wrong size.  Haven't a clue what that means so here I am with Matt & Amy.

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