
By SilentWitness


If you read my blip from yesterday you'll know my Nanna had a stroke and I was not able to drive home last night.

Today I got up early and made the journey hoping to see her quickly and learn that all is well. Some things my mother had said on the phone were red flags to me with my medical training, but I couldn't tell her that so I worried alone.

The hospital wouldn't let me visit until 3pm, something I took as good news as they let you in any hour if the prognosis isn't good.

I had 6 hours before I could visit so I went to be with my mother and help her run errands for my Nanna doing anything I could to be useful. We went in to my old home town of Diss to get my Nanna a watch battery (funny the things a damaged scared mind craves most) and I saw this view that I know and love. I had a feeling I wouldn't have any other opportunity so snapped this quickly. I also hoped the sunny view would cheer my Nanna up later when I could finally see her.

She's doing as well as can be expected and was glad I came back to be with her. I am too, I just wish I could do more to help :(

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