Return to the North

By Viking

Riverton before the rain

The forecast was for rain today so I decided to go into town to get some chores done. I needed to buy some pruning gear amongst other things.
The weather going into town wasn't too bad and this shot was taken at Riverton estuary just before the rain started.
By the time I headed home to watch the cricket it was decidedly wet.
Before heading inside I took the wrapping off the pruning shears and lobber and set about the climbing rose and then the bush near my patio doors that seems to be taking over. This bush is God knows what (never flowers) but is f*****ing vicious with 3cm long spikes on it. Which I found out to my cost when I stood on one and the thorn went right through my boot and into my foot. Fark it hurt! If you don't see any more blips from me it's because I've died of tetanus

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