The path to nowhere

After an early outing, I was back home before 9 o'clock to find my husband had switched on the tv to watch the eclipse. This was a very good idea, as the cloud cover was quite thick over here, so no chance of seeing it otherwise. At about 9.25 am, it became very still, with an eerie light, not really dark, but much darker than it had been, and colder. There were no birds feeding, only a single chaffinch picking up seed from the ground. However, the birds were singing - was it an evening song?

Later on, the sun did come out and it was a glorious afternoon, so I did some more gardening! These little steps lie behind the pond, and they do not in fact go anywhere! (except for fairies, perhaps!) 
Iris grow tall here in the summer, and violets. Two more small beds were weeded, before we had a cup of tea outside in the warm sunshine - the first time this year!

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