It's Grim Up North

By lynnfot

Morning twilight over the Tweed

Breakfast outside whilst we watched the eclipse play out over the Borders. The birds weren't impressed, they went very quiet. It was quite eerie. A quick glimpse of Armageddon.

I hadn't thought through the type of light we'd get and vaguely stared at the golden light over the fields before I realised that the light was abnormal and that the reflected light was going to be worth photographing.

Sadly, I can remember the last eclipse of the sun, 50 years ago. We were all taken out into the playground at primary school to see it. I may be imagining this but I think we were encouraged to glance at it, but not stare.....

Seems the last eclipse was in 1999. I was out that day.

Derelict Thursday I am hosting Derelict Thursday on March 26th, whilst Freespiral and Himself take a break. So, if you haven't entered before, don't forget to tag your entry DerelictThursday so that it appears in the search #derelictthursday. If you've haven't entered before and want to know more, post a question below and I'll answer it.

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