
By Madchickenwoman

Roaring Toothache!

I've had a niggling toothache the last few days which last night and today turned into a "roaring toothache", whilst I didn't roar quite like the lion I was not a happy bunny! I cleaned my teeth,flossed, gargled with Corsodyl, and liberally put Anbusol over the effected side and took 2 Nurofen, then went to open the chickens. They were all happy eating the greens, pellets  and mash I have put out, but then all hell let out! As soon as I started to  poop pick  they all rushed in, squawking, scratching in the sawdust and distributing the poo so it was much harder to pick up! They are feathered devils! The pain in my tooth intensified.
Once home I cleaned the kitchen before colourful Mai witnessed the mess it was in  - in other words I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher and gathered piles of post, seed packets, magazines, receipts, shoes, gloves etc and hid them! All the while the pain grew.
Once Mai arrived I collected portly Lucy and my friend and we set off for Kit Hill. Passed fellow coop member and friends sitting in the back of her landrover with their eclipse glasses, then Nelly of the Woods - everyone was out to find a good vantage point - Calstock was in a thick mist! The top road was clear but Kit Hill was shrouded in the same deep mist so we turned back, but I could see the eclipse through the barrier of the mist as we headed back  and when we hit the road down to calstock the clear sky meant looking at the sun was impossible, so I turned round and headed back to to the top road and the mist!
It was fantastic! The temperature dropped, it went quiet, and the view through my camera was perfect!! The full solar eclipse a few years back had been a wash out, it did go totally black and it was like night, but thick clouds meant the sun and its eclipse was hidden. Bit of a shame as friend came down from Manchester to see it - her partner saw more in Manchester where it wasn't even supposed to be that visible!!! My toothache was forgotten!
Friend had her last scan that morning so we headed back, but the pain intensified so much I was near to tears and it affected my bowels so being near a toilet was a must, I was unale to take her in! So colourful Mai stepped in and I dropped Lucy off and went home in some distress. But not enough to phone the dentist. I have recounted my fear of it before - not the drilling, but the impact it has on my ability to swallow. 
So whilst I berated myself for giving in to my fear, and recognising the fact that even this pain was not enough to make me go, and wondering just how bad it could or would have to get before I would beg them to put me out of my torture, Vegan friend called with Kess. Lots of love and licking from Kess did the trick!! Pain abated! Vegan friend also reminded me of the hypnotist she knew who had helped others get over their fears of the dentist amongst a long list of other fears! So I will have to find her number and hopefully get treated by her so I have the sense to get this tooth seen to! There is only so much nurofen you can take in a day and I've already been told by a colonoscopist to stop taking it!!! I'm not even going to go into that story today!
So after more nurofen ( !!!!) I am virtually pain free for now. Only chicken lock up and deciding what to make for the Meal Safari tomorow - I'm doing dessert for ten people!! Something very soft I think!!!

P.S. sorry changed photo as having posted on 365 decided it was my favourite of the event! The world and her dog watching the eclipse ( and posting it!!)

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