And Another Thing...

By dhackett68


All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

A sudden overnight posting spurt, so the universe can help mark a Blipday!

Before it becomes a Pola-day…

I got a photo-related email featuring this quote from Henri Cartier-Bresson; "Your first 10,000 pictures are the worst". So if we're all here in 8,905 days, I might have something decent to show you…

And I forgot - if you're interested in the increasingly deranged tagging of a man back-blipping to a deadline, try here!  

What with all the back blipping, sleeping and the complete unlikelihood of the occurrence of it, I almost missed yesterday's romantic interlude making the Spotlight Thing I Never Get Onto Popular pages! Thanks for all the views…

Unless it was just one of you coming back again, and again, and again!

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