New Brighton Pier

I just knew we were in Christchurch when The Boss opened the car door and the Easterly blast turned what little curls I have ...White.
The Boss has been appointed The Bossess's chauffeur 'Cos she cannot fly for a while and so big T got to THC (Tussocks Holiday Camp) and I got pressed into service. Actually I was pressed into the space behind the front seat in The Bossess's Das Auto as we travelled and this morning we went to meet Poo Not Whinnie but Poo of Blip fame via 22000 red road cones and 5 detours.
This afternoon we met with some lovely ladies (Spikes2013, MPP26, JMK,and Flying) and I was greatly admired.
You can see this Here
The Boss was in a hurry to get a drink so this is off the fruit phone 

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