musical theatre
A forgetting in the booking of the follow-up thingby to the Baby Opera thing the wingpiglet went to when he was still a baby (and which apparently reduced several usually-wriggly babies to fascinated stillness) meant that the only viewing available at a suitable time was when the wingpiglet is usually sleeping after his lunch, which required some careful juggling of times of feeding to get him to have a nap earlier on so that he wasn't either crotchety or falling alseep during the thing. I'd initially thought that taking him out for a bicycle-trundle in the morning would have the usual effect of him falling asleep within a few minutes of setting off but in the end we just wandered slowly into town (stopping to look at all the people running past and then cautiously trotting across the street through them), fed him somewhat earlier than normal and then trundled up and down closes around the Royal Mile whilst he snored. He was a bit more wary than he usually is of things and held tightly onto Nicky's arm throughout but still paid attention. I was quite impressed by the wee sit-on drum-box thing one of the performers was riding, and shall attempt to make one as soon as possible.
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