In A Hurry...

Little R, apparently! Only these are not her clothes....

Very busy day today, but I actually did myself a favour and got to bed earlier last night. I managed to get 8 hours of sleep, and I noticed the difference today. I felt much less exhausted.

It stayed cloudy all day today, so no sun like yesterday. In the afternoon I had to go on a course with two colleagues. We drove to the Thames Club near Staines, and it was a lovely place to be stuck for two hours :-) They had an amazing gym and pool, and if I lived closer, I think I'd go there!

It wasn't as bad as I thought driving back, considering it was rush hour. I actually felt a sense of peace and calmness descend. 

Once home, I had a lovely bath and hair wash, and then went to my mum's. Little B finally had his smart haircut, and he looks gorgeous! Much smarter, and he even smells puppyish from the puppy spray! I'll try and snap his picture tomorrow.

I persuaded my mum to watch Supervets, on channel 4, which was amazing last week. Unfortunately we started watching half way through, just as a dog was being euthanised. It was so very sad. I looked up and my mum was sobbing- I'm the worst daughter ever! 


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