
By JanBee


As the storm subsides,
The gentle creatures emerge.
Quietness returns.

What fun #blipfotoforever  was  yesterday..... it also coincided with my 3 year anniversary (which I didn't realise at first!!).
Thank you all so much for the wonderful stars and hearts .... I am quite overwhelmed.  Who knew bellydance bling would be so popular on a cold grey morning!  I will get round to thanking everyone personally over the next few days - I promise.

After all that kerfuffle, a calmer scene this morning.  We quite often get deer in the garden, especially at this time of year when the buds are juicy and fresh. Usually there's just 2 or three, but this morning there were seven!   Unfortunately they wouldn't all stand together in the right place, so you just get three of them.

It's amazing how effective their camouflage is ... it's hard to spot them unless they move.  After they had eaten their fill of the lawn grass they went off under the trees and sat down for half an hour or so, and then wandered off.

I have given up reading all the conspiracy theories about Polaroid ... at least blip is still here and for that I am thankful .... 


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