Rare moment

Best viewed *large* although not the best shot

Went for a drive today with my dad, down Devon's deep lanes & somehow was led to this wonderful Woodland Trust woodlands & this I *believe* is a dingy skipper & if so, a very rare find indeed... there are as ever countless other things it *could* be like moths! But I'm hoping this is what it is... they are seen in the area we were in, so finger's crossed.

Overcast today, it rained, the wind got up, then this afternoon it mellowed & helped my Dad & I through the day.

And Larry...

I can get my own food too!

I would type more, but going next door for a drink, as they're off to France for a fortnight tomorrow. But least they're back for my Mum's funeral which is on 15th June - various factors why it's so late, all of which I can't get into now xxx

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