Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Friends united


I got the gnat. It's been pestering me as I tap away here and now it is no more, gone in a little like the speed of the passing of Blip as we knew it.

So how productive have you all been my friends today, yesterday, c'mon Sunday? It's a strange phenomenon indeed that draws from such diverse corners and brings us all together in a show of unity, and here is ours. It's only through pouring over our entries that we can perhaps marvel at where we are on our journey today, balk at the nature of our editing, brushed off as being "back then". Tis quite the excuse for its quality. 

I was brought here through fertility friends and I stay because, now let me remember the interview I gave to Blip which was 3 years in discussion because of my absolute perfectionism in wanting to say the right thing, yet then when I was actually on the phone to BC, seemed to flow freely, an interview which will never see the light of day. Oh the irony there. I digress. Oh yes, it was because for me it's about being part of something so much bigger than we are ourselves. It's about creating a lasting legacy for future generations. 

I'll admit to you now Blip. I haven't always wanted you to have that control over me, and the gaps in my entries - here the admission - are not because of the lack of imagery, inspiration or words, but more the need to distance myself from you. Behind those gaps were images and words recorded separately, keeping something back from you. Did I owe you anything during those days, and what do I owe you now?

It has been through reading entries past and looking at images as we all have been through the last few days of firefighting that I've remembered the depth of despair at times through surgeries and that deep need to publicly confide. And you were that friend with the burdened shoulders. I have always expressed myself better in words and pictures than the spoken word could ever have done for me. I'm eternally grateful for the level of forgiveness here which has allowed me to come and go as I please. I don't think I give much to the community and you reap what you sow. Yet I love this place. You are a truly forgiving friend. 

"You'll miss me when I'm gone".
"Yeah, I know". 

Funny, nostalgic days...

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