
By CleanSteve

Blipfoto Forever at the Stroud Community TV Awards

Blipfoto Forever at the Stroud Community TV Awards

Tonight was the big night when Philip and I ran the Stroud Community TV Awards at The Crown and Sceptre, which just happens to be Helena's and my local pub.  This was part of the Stroud Film Festival and tonight there was free entry to watch the local films which are linked for easy access on the SCTV website.

I was in charge of the technical aspects of playing the fifteen films, in varied formats and different sources, onto the large Tv in the pub with a good surround sound which actually worked extremely well.  It has been a bit of a worry to me and I'm pleased that there were only two minor glitches, when the films stopped working.  I got them up and running pretty quickly so not too much egg on my face.

Rodda, our wonderful landlord, runs a terrific community based pub and he was really pleased with the variety and quality of films made by and for local people.  I think everyone came away impressed and e=intrigued.

Just before it started at 7pm, the pub has a weekly food session called 'Up the workers' when the kitchen supplies copious meals of bangers and mash.  Helena had already arranged to meet three friends with whom she was going to the local theatre, which meant she missed the TV show. 

But Woodpeckers and I did have time to nip outside the pub after we had eaten to create our very own 'Blipfoto Forever' entry.  I got Philip to click the shutter after setting my camera up.  He then took a picture for Helena, which I have linked to above as well.

So here's to a good future for one and all and particularly to Blipfoto and its now possible new future.

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