Another Year Older

It's been strange having a birthday while travelling. Its been nice as I feel it's been extended even though it was in fact shorter. I think it's because I had messages start from Australia who are in front, UK and America who are behind.
I've been a very lucky lady today. I came home to flowers from Alex in Oz. Candles and CDs from friends. A Michelin Star restaurant meal with a trip around london with another friend. A zorbing experience from Nick and an underwater camera from my hubby. I've been very spoilt.
It didn't stop there as met up with my friend who bought me the trip and meal and went out for what was going to be a quick drink. She was hungry so we decided to eat as well. I'm sure hubby didn't mind as he's put up with me for a week with no breaks ;)
Tomorrow all my training starts for my triathlon and other events. I need to be hard at it from now until the events. Sensible eating and I need to swim, cycle and fit the gym, my Zumba class and a spinning class in.
It's the eating I'll find hardest....I love my food....I loved this pud too x

Hope you can see the outstretched arms for reaching out for blip.

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