Da Auld Bedroom

A dull start to the day with a misty haze hanging over us.  The sun did come out in the afternoon for a little while before the mist came down but vanished again :) 

I popped into Lerwick in the morning with Brian to do some shopping and we met up with mam for a cuppa.  I treated mam to lunch too for her birthday, Happy Birthday again mam :)  After getting my washing out, off I headed for a run to the west side to snap photos but it was fairly dull and still a misty haze in the distance.  Me and Sammy headed for a walk in East Burrafirth and it was actually fairly warm, spring is here :)
I've been working in the pub again tonight.  It's been a busy night, think a lot were having hair of the dog after yesterday's party. 
A quiet night home now and feet up with the telly :)

I love the old abandoned house at Lea, East Burrafirth.  The winter gales have battered the old house badly over the winter months and seen some more structural damage and now it's in a dangerous way, although that didn't stop me from going inside to snap some photos :)  The old downstairs bedroom is ready to have the roof fall on top, love the way the old bed sheets are still on the bed but really sad it's been left like this with all these personal belongings scattered over the floor.  

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