This one's for Joe
I have very mixed feelings about doing this Blip.
On one hand I love the appreciation and solidarity that these pictures symbolise, the hope that Blip carries on, that we carry on. For me, it's the very nature of what Blip actually is - people coming together individually to do something wonderful - collectively.
On the other I'm doing this because a place that I discovered by myself, found my way around, grew to love, learned so much in and made some lovely pals in; has gone.
And that's because Joe's no longer The Guy.
I liked Joe being The Guy. I like Joe. I like that he started this little project to connect his family & friends to the life he and Layla were creating and that he let other people in to join to do the same for their family and friends.
I like that, completely by coincidence, I discovered I lived through some trees and across a park from Joe and his wee family. I like that Lonely Little
Petunia recognised me from Blip and we started to blether. How great is that?
I will miss them dearly on here, and I know I'm not alone in that sentiment. I hope that all at Blip Central go on to do wonderful things - how can they not when each of them have a part to play in creating a unique, exciting, intense, wonderful and joyous corner of the Internet?
They made the whole world seem like a neighbourhood - full of emotion, textures and colour. They created a planet where everybody was accepted and welcomed.
I was part of that world. And so were you. And you. And you. And you.
And we're all better people for it.
So here's to you, Joe Tree. Thank you for being The Guy and for welcoming us all into the world you created.
You. Rock x x x
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