angels are watching...
...over the whole blip community
so we can continue - to keep on blipping - long into the future - with joe and his team
it was a bit - over 4 and 1/2 years ago - i began posting photos - on this site - not really knowing what - i was doing, not - necessarily classifying myself as - a photographer by any - stretch of the imagination - i simply needed a - way to distract myself - from what was happening - in my day-to-day life - a way to perhaps reinvent myself - find myself again - to know i could still - live on in spite of - all that was going on around - me
in picking up a little - camera i had - then finding blipfoto - i feel as though - i was given a chance - to find myself again - find joy in our wonderful - earth - the life around us - i am grateful to joe - for his creativity in forming - this community - having the hindsight to realize - just how valuable - it would be to people - like me and how the simple - act of finding 1 photo - to post every day - a reflection of life - a mere snapshot - would indeed make for...
happy day.....
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