blippety blip

Last night was spent at the Brückenschenke (a dark little pub that lets us expats take over the back corner once a month for our pub quiz) it was March 17th, St Patrick's day and therefore the Americans decreed the quiz would be Irish...

The first round was geography, now I'm rubbish at English geography, so Irish....fortunately I had Mr K on my team & his geography is way better than mine.

The music round was also challenging, although as friend E commented later, if you put Sinead O'Connor or U2 for most of the answers you wouldn't go far wrong...

There was much abuse hurled at the quizmaster (but as on a normal month she's the one complaining, we figured turnabout was fair play) and despite fearing we wouldn't even reach double figures, we did walk away with a prize.

And as a bonus, we found ourselves another expat. The poor guy was having a quiet drink at the bar, watching the footie (some German team getting kicked out of some European league) when he was accosted by one of the Yanks and dragged over - she didn't give him the chance to run and hide, silly of her really, seeing as the English were starting to be outnumbered by the Yanks, this will help to even things up!

In other news, there's been another WWII bomb found down the road in Mülheim (we scattered them pretty thoroughly back in the day.

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