It's a dog's life
Sam has commandeered our new chair. Made himself comfortable, cup of coffee, biscuits (even though he knows that chocolate isn't good for dogs), remote control at the paw and the newspaper open in front of him. Note the image on the page he is studying - it's a cat! You can see the gleam in his eye.
So, this was a slow news day as you can tell, using up a blipshot I've had in mind for a while. I need to add another idea to my catalogue now I've used this one.
I did spend a few hours at school at a Governing Body meeting. I discovered the previous evening that I was down to chair this meeting. Neither myself nor the chair remembered that we'd agreed that, as vice chair, I would take the next meeting, but there it was in the minutes. That meant I had to do rather more preparation than I usually do for these meetings.
It's been a while since I've chaired a meeting, but the old skills came back and we finished on time and I was able to bluff my way through a few situations where I didn't really know what was going on. We're expecting a visit from the Ofsted school inspectors any time now. It is two years on 20th March since we had our last visit and we've been expecting them for weeks. Quite disgraceful how you're kept hanging on and on.....
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