The constant gardener

By Lucc


Finally a lovely relaxing and peaceful day , no dogs barking and no work or chores todo .
After a morning of chilling I had a walk up to Ilkley tarn , a lovely little spot and always peaceful.

I then had the idea of walking round the park and river which is usually very nice (bad idea). I think my brain went on strike because Ilkley on a sunny day at the weekend by the river is not somewhere you want to go these days .

There seems to be no effort made these days down at the river there was rubbish strewn every where it was awful , there were drunk people all over the place lots of very sunburnt people and lots of inappropriate bare skin , am I getting old it didn't used to be like this did it ? .

Anyway after my return home this dove / pigeon I'm not sure what it is , but it seemed friendly enough, it stayed for a while under the bird feeder eating all the dropped sunflower hearts that the sparrows had dropped .
Wine and dinner now in the evening sun :)

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