
By FergInCasentino

I read the news today, oh boy

The End Game

Welcome to the world of Blipfoto's prospective new owners and the delightful press release couched in triumphant corporatese place on the Friends of Blipfoto website 20 minutes before midnight on 17th March 2015.

I was about to go to bed when this came through. I can't believe it is so bad.

Someone from the old Blipfoto team must be able to put a positive spin on this. And I can't wait to see my assets monetized and my value realised to its full potential. 

Expect a full blooded PR assault in the morning, would be my guess.

And if my profile disappears...

Update: I wrote the above in the early hours of today, just after midnight.
It's now 21.50. I've been back and forthing most of the day. And wrote, rewrote, edited, deleted, and added to another blog entry about Blipfoto. It's here on my website. I'm, as they say, putting it out there.

Good night.

And my beautiful daughter's birthday was today. I bought her a wireless mouse. She's 28 and needs one. Back's hurting. Dad to rescue.

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