Headed through to Glasgow to see the car and sign paperwork.

All I needed was to hand in March payslip at the end of the month to finalise finance arrangements...

Gets home to a phone call saying they wont accept the payslips as they are hand written!

One step forward, two steps back...

Then they asked permission to call my work tomorrow for proof of employment and amount of wages... They already have housing benefit and council tax paperwork and award of working tax credits which all state amounts of wage and working tax credits I get.

Still, two steps forward...

So hopefully tomorrow work wont mind being called about this... Or I'm fu______...

So todays blip is a sneaky street shot as I was to embarrassed to take proper ones... And in case I got mugged...

Also thinking about Joe and the blip team just now and blippers like me who have years of our life's in this site.

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