Not your typical daffodil!
We have a High School community sports stadium near our freeway; they have planted a very long wide strip of daffodils along the freeway. I was at the stadium so I walked out to take some photos of the whole group; I assumed they were all the same typical yellow/white daffodils. I was surprised to find many different flowers. I took photos of at least 10 different ones. I decided this was the one I thought was the prettiest of the unusual flowers; it was a difficult decision.
Finally Blip central responds to what is happening:
By the way, - I thought you might like to join in tomorrow.
JOIN US TOMORROW!! MARCH 18TH! Take a photo of yourself with arms stretched wide (as if you were going to hold hands with the people next to you) and post as your blip for the day. Tag your image with ‪#blipfotoforever‬. A great show of us show everyone just how important Blipfoto is! Thank you Sally Ballantyne for the wonderful idea!! Spread the word...we need to get this out to everyone who blips!!
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