
By Legodude

Say It With Lego-Sprog

His expression nicely sums up how Blipfoto (I think it's safe to say the Polaroid prefix is now out of the picture) users are feeling at the moment. Not to mention the poor staff. I have plenty of theories how this situation came about but until the full story comes out, if it ever does, they are speculation. How liquidation came about so soon after the Polaroid deal is a puzzler. One theory I've read is Blipfoto were unable to keep to the timetable of changes Polaroid wanted so they pulled out. Would explain the incomplete redesign of the site. Feel sorry for all who worked at Blip Central who will have been under immense pressure and now face uncertain futures. Joe Tree's statement today does suggest Blipfoto will survive and I pray it does because it means so much to those who use it. Plus what am I going to do with all my Lego should the plug be pulled ;-) Nothing is certain of course until a buyer actually signs on the dotted line. If/when a new owner is announced we should be prepared for some changes, possibly even selected advertising. But we must be pragmatic. An altered Blipfoto that sticks to the core idea is better than no Blipfoto. Should the worst happen and the site taken down, I will not be moving to another unless it is founded by former Blip Central staff. 365 project does not look like it would appreciate Lego series! So let's all support Joe and those he's working with at the moment. To all Lego-Blipfoto-buddies I hope this is not the end of our friendships just a bump in the road.

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