Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Six Years

What's to celebrate? Today it has finally dawned on all of us that we are losing something so very special to us. We have made friends around the world and arranged blip-meets. We have laughed and cried over the words of strangers.

Because archived blips are now added to entries, this is the day I have been looking forward to for ages. A day to reflect upon the year, my most difficult so far in blip. A year when I had so much to do in caring for my mother and then watched her deteriorate and die. It is all recorded in my journal. so much detail.

I've managed to get through her death without crying. I've got through Mothers' Day without crying but today, realising that her journal and mine may vanish, I have come close to tears. Not just for me, but for others I follow whose lives are saved on this site, too!

I'm trying to feel optimistic that Blipfoto will be saved. If you want to stay in touch I'm on FB and I've joined to keep things doubled up for now. My email is sue at artbycamera dot co dot uk. Keep in touch. Though it seems the liquidators think we will survive!

When I signed up nearly six years ago, I never thought I would blip every day without a break. You won't be getting the email fanfare about my achievement and I won't be getting a balloon.

It's been life changing for me so I have to go ahead with my celebratory blip, a hurried one! I need a stiff drink!

EDIT: I can see where my red balloon is hiding!

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