Life through the lens...

By ValC

A Cornish memory

As we were packing the car to come home, C & G came out with this lovely plant for us as a memento of our stay in Cornwall.
I had admired the plants they had flowering in the garden, and they thought we would like one to take home.
Called Agryanthemum  "Cornish Gold", I hope it survives the Yorkshire winters. When I looked it up, it says that it is a tender plant, and doesn't survive being frozen. So I will have to cover it up with fleece for next winter.
In fact it could do with a coat on now as it has been so cold since we got home!
And would you believe it, the central heating has decided to pack it in as well!
Good job we have plenty of wood for the fire!
British Gas coming out tomorrow. We think it may be something to do with the timer.
I don't think our house likes us going away, as last time it was the electric that had packed up!!

Have tagged this #blipforever. in the hope it doesn't close.

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