Catablog 7!!

Hello Blippers! This may be the last chance I get to talk to you all, so I thought I'd leave you with a photo that shows me doing what I do best, snoozing the day away! Mind you, it's been such a cold and wet day, what else was there to do except to curl up in my warm and cosy bed next to the radiator? I think my Lady In Waiting would have happily joined me if only there'd been room for two!!

Despite the weather, we did have some excitement in our garden today,. We had a visit from a Sparrow Hawk which made a meal of one of my little feathered friends. As you know, I'm a bird-loving cat so it was quite sad to watch, but I guess that's nature. Nothing else to report so it's back to bed for another little cat-nap! Purrfect!!

=^.^= Toffee

Well it's official, blipfoto went into liquidation at midday today. How long the site will remain up and running is still an unanswered question. Like many of you, I have created a 365project account, but I won't be posting any photos there just yet, I intend to stay with blipfoto until the bitter end. If you want to look me up on 365 then I shall be using the same username. I've already found some of you, but this discussion on 365 looks like a good way to track down blip friends that you'd like to stay in contact with. In the meantime, keep on blipping!!

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