No more

I took a couple of photos for today's Mono Monday theme, but also saw this T-shirt in a shop while in town, and snapped it in case it would be appropriate today - and unfortunately it is. The rumours are true, Blipfoto is in liquidation and the most we can hope for is for someone to realise what an asset the trust and dedication of Blippers is and find another way to make the company work. So don't give up yet, alot of us will keep with it in a new form as long as its spirit lives on, there's no other site quite like it and we love it!
My best wishes and thanks go to Joe and HQ staff, and hope that you get through this, and I am sure thousands of people think the same.

Edit - just seen this post on the Blipfoto friends Facebook site:
I phoned the liquidator (listed as Thomas MacLennan on the Companies House website, but I spoke to one of his colleagues at FRP Advisory) saying that I was a Blipfoto user and concerned about my Lifetime Membership and stored entries, and asked whether I needed to back up my photographs. The liquidator seemed confident in stating that such action would be unnecessary. He didn't say much (understandably); he thought it unlikely that Blip was going to be taken down imminently, and said that they were trying to secure a sale, but nothing was yet concrete. It wasn't exactly sworn testimony, but I do feel somewhat relieved.

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