Happy 21st Birthday Tom

My baby turned 21 today. He's the reason we are in Montana. Perfect Mother's Day for me. We took to the ski slopes for the day.
We have been fortunate to stay in the most beautiful lodge. There are fourteen of us here. Toms friends from the uni have come to celebrate with us. I don't think he will forget his 21st. It's not what you get that you remember, it's what you do and who you share it with that make things special and we have made his day special in just that way.
Tom and his friends decided to go boarding. The rest of us skied.
I have only been skiing once, which was many years ago and could never get the hang of the ski lifts back then. Today after falling on my butt three times....I finally got off a ski lift I without falling over. Hooray...a huge achievement for me.
The day didn't go with out an incident though. Toms girl friend Michele fell off a lift and banged her head and ended up in hospital. He went with her which cut his boarding a bit short. She is fine, back with us, suffering a sprained neck, concussion and has a ton of pills to take. Another of the lads has quite a nasty cut leg from a fall too. But everyone enjoyed the ski slopes.
Back at the lodge the boys made an open Fire and toasted marshmallows and hot dogs while we took tom out for dinner.
Not too many photos taken today so this was the best I could do.
Yesterday before the match the whole team had to have their heads shaved. It was to support a little boy who is having chemo and has lost his hair. Tom didn't want to go bald along with a few others but wasn't given an option. He would quite happily have gone very short but didn't want it all off. He hates it....and didn't want photos taken. Fair enough. I think he's even sleeping in his hat. It's not that he's not sympathic to the cause....who wouldn't be. But he was miffed that he wasn't given an option of going short or not. I'm in agreement with him....I'm his mum after all. But it's done and it will grow back....very soon I hope....and I hope they raise a lot of money.

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